Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What To Do

I can't do this anymore. I don't know what is going on and how I'm feeling. One second I'm okay, the other I am .. let's just say highly confused. It tends to happen late at night. Sleeping usually clears my head. Until the next time. Maybe a change of scenario would be good. Some nice, hot place. Somewhere where I for some reason don't have to worry. I wonder if my mind would let me find that place. I suspect going to London the day after tomorrow and getting my tattoo might work. I look forward to it. There are moments while being with friends where I stop for a second and think "I'm really happy to have these silly, crazy people in my life". Because it helps, it really does. Maybe some day soon there'll be no problem to cure. When that day comes I'll make sure to post it in here.