Friday, August 10, 2012

Conversations About Ships And Werewolves

After watching an episode of Teen Wolf where it was hinted that two characters (Stiles and Derek) might be it for eachother, I had to send a friend a message.

Me: "Derek needing human love and then cutting to Stiles' face! 
I died when I saw that! (I'm fangirling from my grave)"
Her: "It's über cute! Derek and Stiles! Alpha and Beta! Hahahh"
Me: "Gahhh welcome omboard hah. I love it. It HAS to happen. Sometime. Soon. Very soon"
Her: "Honesty...I think you'd spontaneously combust! ;)" 
Me: "Too many feelings.. Teen fucking wolf."
Her: "Teen-Fucking Awesome-Wolf"
Me: "That too. But mostly Teen fucking Wolf. Stiles being the teen. Derek being the wolf"
Her: "Ahhh yes! I remember you telling me this before ;) Derek + Stiles = Your love demise :p "
Me: "This ship will be my demise. I'll go down with it (or on it!). It'll be the Titanic all over again"
Her: "At least you'll happily go down with them! #OhMyGoshIDidntJustSayThat :P"
Me: "Hahaha. Ohh dear, anytime! But I think I'll be blogging from the grave after that"

Because Sterek needs to happen for my heart to feel okay again.