Friday, August 31, 2012

Like A Melody

"Derek knows something, something to do with Stiles, something to do with the headache, 
and he's keeping it from him. That is just... infuriating. And just like Derek too. 
Some people keep their cards close to the vest; Derek eats his. 
That's the kind of insanity Stiles is dealing with here"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Things You Read Online - My God

"Stiles prays no one calls the cops because the sounds he’s making are inhuman 
and he doesn’t want anyone to shoot Derek until he’s been fucked raw"

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Make Peace With Your Demons

"If you're mine, then I can lose you. Don't you understand?"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Taking Off The Edges

".. and Derek is sprawled the length of his sheets like a heroic statue that's somehow breathing"

Stiles Asks A Question And

"Derek doesn't answer, of course. Because Derek's a one-man Fortress of Solitude. 
Superman could totally turn Derek into a celestial ice-palace and live in him"


"He gets it all off his chest until the weight is gone and he just feels hollow inside, 
like without all of that he’s just a shell of a boy, 
because everyone he knows has taken bits and pieces of him
 and almost no one has stopped to fill him back up"

So I'm In Love With A Hatter

"Trust me. I know a thing or two about liking people, and in time, 
after much chocolate and cream cake, ‘like’ turns into ‘what was his name again?’”
- The Hatter, Alice

Sunday, August 26, 2012

It Was Not Intended To Be This Way But It Is

It seems my Blogspot has become a collection of random quotes. How odd.

They Say Patience Is A Virtue

Me (while proof-reading a document): "This is taking ages!"
Mom: "You have no patience"
Me: "But this is taking farrrr too long"
Mom: "You're like your dad. Have you not gotten anything from me?"
Me: "..."
Mom: "It's a miracle you managed to stay in my stomach for nine months. Knowing you, you would have jumped out after 4 if you could"
Me: ".. Ha-ha-ha"

*Five minutes later*

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Misunderstanding of Words

Me: "Why don't I have a mac?"
Mom: "A what?"
Me: "A mac"
Mom: "Oh thank god, I thought you said a man"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Enough Ships For A Massive Marina

Me: Don't the guys in this picture look like Tyler and Colton?
Me: Hah, new ship!
Friend: Haha, you must have a massive marina now.

Go For The Gold Quote

"Navigating through a crowd of drunk people is seriously ridiculous, 
it’s like trying to part the freaking Red Sea"

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cute Like Your Cats

Mom: "You're cute"
Me (sarcastically): "So cute"
Mom: "Like your cats"

What. I can't even..

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Get Them Howling In Bed

A rather entertaining conversation I had with a friend about the TV series Teen Wolf,
werewolves and .. well, nakedness.

Me: Also, about Teen Wolf: I’ve never felt so relieved by the sight of a naked man with sharp claws.
Her: Hahahhahahah! I love this. Oh, I totally thought that was the norm for you! ;)
Me: Haven't seen too many with claws, gotta admit.
Her: Haven't come across many that are wolves! :P
Me: Hairy not your style, huh ;) haha. Must say.. Mine don't howl every full moon either.
Wish they did though, wouldn't let them go!
Her: Just get them howling in bed ;)
Me: Hahahahahaha, oh that'd be a sight!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Because The Pain Will Never Go Away

(Sometimes I Dream of You)

"Hide and seek," Stiles says and chuckles.

"It never works, I always find you," Derek mutters and Stiles laughs again.

"This time you wont, I’ve got a really good place," Stiles disappears from view and Derek hauls himself from under the car, finds him lounging on the hood. There’s a strip of skin between his jeans and his t-shirt, that line of hair just taunting him because Derek knows what it feels like under his fingers. Except he can’t feel it anymore, can’t run his tongue up at and feel the shivers in Stiles’s body, or they noises that Stiles would make.

"Well then I don’t want to play," Derek takes a step towards the house, brushes his hands against his jeans and looks up to find Stiles with his arms crossed in front of him. 

"You have to Derek," he says, in the voice he used to use whenever Derek got hurt, the irritated, worried voice. 

"Stiles," Stiles raises an eyebrow and grins, the annoying grin he used whenever he was trying to get Derek to do something he didn’t want to. Derek sighs. 

"You have to," Stiles says, holding his hand out, palm almost touching Derek’s chest. Derek closes his eyes because he doesn’t want to see that, doesn’t want to see Stiles hand on him. 


"Because you have to lose me," Stiles cocks his head to the side.

"I don’t want to," Derek walks around him and slams the door to the house, but not before Stiles’s voice echoes in his ears. 

"I know" 

 Some things just completely break me - and this is one of them.

Derek & Stiles // Red Riding Hood

Hades and Persephone

"Seems that I have been held, in some dreaming state
I twist in the waking world, never quite awake
No kiss, no gentle word could wake me from this slumber
Until I realise that it was you who held me under"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Internal Monologue

"Okay, so sleep might have been a good idea. I should do more of that. I like sleep, actually I love sleep. It's just that sleep and I aren't on the best of terms these days, like that one friend that you neglect too long and they get grumpy and reluctant when you ask if they want to hang out, because they feel like your back up plan?
Yeah, that's sleep and me these days"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Oscar Wilde Quote

"Art finds her own perfection within, and not outside of, herself.
She is not to be judged by any external standard of resemblance"

Friday, August 10, 2012

Conversations About Ships And Werewolves

After watching an episode of Teen Wolf where it was hinted that two characters (Stiles and Derek) might be it for eachother, I had to send a friend a message.

Me: "Derek needing human love and then cutting to Stiles' face! 
I died when I saw that! (I'm fangirling from my grave)"
Her: "It's über cute! Derek and Stiles! Alpha and Beta! Hahahh"
Me: "Gahhh welcome omboard hah. I love it. It HAS to happen. Sometime. Soon. Very soon"
Her: "Honesty...I think you'd spontaneously combust! ;)" 
Me: "Too many feelings.. Teen fucking wolf."
Her: "Teen-Fucking Awesome-Wolf"
Me: "That too. But mostly Teen fucking Wolf. Stiles being the teen. Derek being the wolf"
Her: "Ahhh yes! I remember you telling me this before ;) Derek + Stiles = Your love demise :p "
Me: "This ship will be my demise. I'll go down with it (or on it!). It'll be the Titanic all over again"
Her: "At least you'll happily go down with them! #OhMyGoshIDidntJustSayThat :P"
Me: "Hahaha. Ohh dear, anytime! But I think I'll be blogging from the grave after that"

Because Sterek needs to happen for my heart to feel okay again.