Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recent Dreams

I've had horrible nightmares lately. It's not that something bad happens in the dreams. It's not like that. It's just that.. my surroundings seem to frighten me. Most of the things that happen are for some reason considered as a threat. Tiny fairies? Lovely. No wait.. Killer fairies? Not that good. Taking care of a friend's infant? Not a big deal. Massive earthquake? Everybody dies and I can't help the baby.

I don't know what's wrong at the moment. I usually never have nightmares - and if I do they occur once every couple of months. But the last four nights have been horrible. I don't get to sleep properly so I'm tired during the day and get headaches. I just want it to end. Actually I just want to go on vacation - go somewhere nice and warm where I won't dream about horrible stuff.