Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TV Series

Going to make a list of all the shows I watch and which shows I used to watch. I'm having difficulties keeping up. So here we go.

- Supernatural
- The Vampire Diaries
- Being Human
- Once Upon A Time
- New Girl

Shows I'll come back to once I have more time:
- Smallville (Got the dvd-box waiting for me when I get bored)
- Misfits (Back in October)
- Teen Wolf (Back in August/September)
- True Blood (Back in June)
- Hawaii Five-0 (When I have time)
- How I Met Your Mother (When I have time)
- Those Who Kill (Need to buy the dvd)

Shows I kinda lost interest in but might come back to:
- Cougar Town
- Gossip Girl
- Glee