Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Said Hi

Honestly? I'd given up on you. I told my friends not to mention you anymore. I tried not to think of you. I think it sort of worked. Keeping you out of my mind was going alright. Well right up until the moment I'd see you again and then I'd have to start all over again. But considering the situation it was going okay.. Then one morning I woke up and somehow felt that things had changed. I called my mom and told her the situation - a thing I'd never do. And now.. well, today you said hi. I feel hope. I probably shouldn't - but you're right back in my thoughts again. I can't even concentrate to study.. All this because you said hi.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Truth

Truth is: No guy will ask you who you like. They won't walk up to you, smile and ask if you've got any boy stuck in your heart. It won't happen. You'll have to be discreet and play the love game with them for weeks. And then maybe they'll get that you're head over heals for them. Only maybe. They may just not get it. Everything would be so much simpler if someone took a chance and went for it. A leap of faith, a risk. If you give yourself over, so will your love. Jump for love.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why Me

The "man of my dreams" has an entirely new meaning now. Euh.. Get out of my head.
This is getting really annoying. When I try and "randomly" bump into you, you're nowhere to be find. When I then actually try and avoid you - you're everywhere! Ffs. I'm trying to let go of you. We can't even speak of you anymore. All this because you're way too perfect.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


You birthday people are messing with my plans! Get out of my way, please.