Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tu, Moi Et L'Amour

".. Summer turned to winter
And the snow it turned to rain .."

I wish I knew who you are and later will be. The person I will run to so far into the future. We would bump into eachother by accident, smile and walk away. Both of us would know the truth. The world may trick us, deceive us and lie but you and I would see right through it. If just the two of us could meet up a silent evening in the center of nowhere. In a cornfield of emptyness. One entity, a whisper in the wind. You'd examine me and I you. We'd spend seconds, minutes, hours talking about absolutely nothing. Still you and I would be complete. We would have that one evening to remember. Going each our way, following our own path. And then that day, so many years later, we would see each other again. It would be the unification.