Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wedding Dress


i want this for my wedding so bad

Okay, so can this be my wedding dress if (yes, if) I ever get married? It's so pretty.
(I know it's early, we need the groom to discover me and stuff but shhh)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Note To Self About Video

Sterek. Stiles hallucinations. Party drug. Cut to Derica make-out. 
Hallucinations that Derek died but that it's Stiles' fault. He could have drowned in the pool.
Sony editing. Look at Soulmates Never Die.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fictional Characters

"But what people don’t realize is that, when it comes to fictional characters, they are just as 
real to us as our friends or lovers or siblings or parents. It doesn’t matter that we can’t touch them
 or visit them or engage with them in conversation. What matters is that they’ve made an 
impact on our lives and that is what makes them real"

Can this just be published at the beginning of every book, tv-series and film? Thanks.