Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Art of Seduction

"Careful who you play with Stiles, you never know when they might play back" 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wild Animals

"This boy plays with wolves like he has never been told not to trust wild animals"

Friday, September 7, 2012

We Are Shining

"Isaac looks from Stiles to Derek, then at Peter when he grabs him by the arm.
"Come on, we need to go for a walk," Isaac says, 
leading Peter towards the door as Stiles stands there, awkwardly.
"You realize we're not actual dogs, right?" Peter mouths off, but lets himself get escorted out anyway"

I can't help it. It's too funny. Sassy uncle Peter's amazing.

Body Oil Functions

Me: "My older brother gave me body oil as a birthday present. All I can think of is sexual use of that"
Friend: "Hahahaha! I use body oil every day"
Me: "In a sexual way?"
Friend: "HAHAHAA nooo"
Me: "Was gonna say.."

Fuck Yes

"You will be their master and they will do all that you please"
- My friend about my future American celebrity lovers

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Note To Self



"It had taken years and nightmares brought to life for him to realize the obvious truth that his sister, any leader, 
had fears and worries and weaknesses of their own, and that real strength lay 
in their ability to know which to control alone and which to share"

Monday, September 3, 2012

You Fucking Perfect Human Being

Can I just say I love you, Hoechlin? And then I'll go die somewhere. Yes? Okay? Okay. Bye.

Bonding Time (No, Not That Way)

You know those days where you just can't explain why you're having a bad day but you just are? Those days where everything just seems to go wrong or annoy you. Where you can't help but feel so frustrated because, thinking back at what has happened so far during the day, nothing stands out to justify your mood.

What if it's because we each have a special bond to someone. Someone we may or may not have met yet but who's connected to us. It doesn't matter if we already know them - the point is we're connected. We're not the ones having a bad day, they are. Somewhere on Earth that person's having one of those days and because of the connect we get a rush of irritation out of nowhere. And when we have bad days, they feel the effects too. So it goes both ways.

For some inexplicable reason this thought makes me rather happy.