Thursday, August 25, 2011


"Looking up at the clouds and hoping Mufasa will come and give you guidance"

Money, Money, Money

"Having too much month left at the end of the money"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Because Who Likes Soup Anyway

A friend of mine sent me this on FB. He saw it and thought of me. It's actually spot on: I hate soup. Because let's face it and be honest.. Who likes soup? (Yes Con and Cam.. I know you two do. Thanks for reminding me, hah)

My Friends Have Humour

My friends and I have odd but funny conversations on Twitter.

Hugh: "I'm in a café. The question is... do I have a coffee and danish... Not danish as in *he tags me*, but as in swirly pastry goodness..."
Me: "Having a danish like in *tags myself in post* would be awkward"
Hugh: "Especially in the middle of this cafe I'm in... A smidge inappropriate I feel"
Me: "Hahahaha. Ohh deeeear.. ;)"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Save The World Tonight

"We're far from home, it's for the better. What we dream, it's all that matters"
Swedish House Mafia - Save The World Tonight

Craig Ferguson Quote

"I had difficulties sleeping as a kid. I'd get scared. I worried about things like a monster in the closet. Cause there's nothing scarier than a monster who refuses to admit he's gay"
- Craig Ferguson

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Alright. I can't stand this no more. August is fucking boring. I do absolutely nothing all day. There's basically nothing to do. I'm going mad at home. I should have stayed in Greece or go to England. This is driving me crazy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Posts With Pictures

Pick Up Lines

Things Online

"Twat did you say? I cunt hear you" - "Cum again? I can't finger it out"
(Ohh man, I love the things you can find online)

Black Lab Quote

"There's a place i used to go, there's a world I used to know.
There was a light and it was you. Every word I say is true"
Black Lab - Mine Again

Liking Statuses

Why does FB even give me the option to 'Like' my own status? Of course I like my status, I'm fucking hilarious. And sexy.

New Shoes

Guess who just got new shoes! I bought them on a Greek island, I just fell in love with them when I saw them. And I usually never like these types of shoes - partly because I can't walk in them, hah. Initially I wished to buy the beige pair (I loved the colour of the wood underneath them) but unfortunately they didnt have it in my seize. So the black ones it was! That's probably a good thing as they match more clothes and are sexy as hell. My friends and I are having a massive houseparty when I get back to uni so I plan on wearing them then. So glad I bought them!

Battle: Los Angeles Quote

"Retreat? Hell, we just got here!"

The Lives Of Others Quote

"An innocent prisoner will become more angry by the hour due to the injustice suffered. He will shout and rage. A guilty prisoner becomes more calm and quiet. Or he cries. He knows he's there for a reason. The best way to establish guilt or innocence is non-stop interrogation"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer '11

Exactly what I needed this summer: A guy declaring his love for me.
Oh dear, I had no clue what to say. I was so speechless, hah.