Monday, June 21, 2010

I Wonder Why

Why do I always have to like the expensive clothes? ..
It's not fun not being able to afford them as a student.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I promised to upload a couple of photos with my newly made nail design back in May but my camera doesn't have any battery and I'm too bored to charge it before rly necessary haha. But I will upload the photos soon. Promise. (:

I'm sitting and watching the World Cup games. Denmark - Netherlands. Kind of hope the Danes win but it seems pretty even. Fun to watch. We'll have to see.

While waiting for the game to begin again (there's a break now) I thought I'd upload some photos I've taken from my phone the last couple of months. These photos go back as far as November, I believe. I have a lot of photos of food or drinks I've had in different places or countries. Thought I'd show you and make you very jealous haha. Take a look.

Breakfast, coffee and fresh orange juice in London.

Sushi in London.
Birthday cake for my brother.
Chokocalte cupcakes for an event.
I looooved that Belgium had their own special edition of the M&M's for the World Cup. Belgium's not even qualified for the games hahah. Cute.
The absolute best cocktail ever: Pink Paradise. There's nothing better than one of these when I'm out for dinner with the girls. If you haven't tried it, you definitely should.

Killed In Seattle.

If I get murdered, I'd like it to be in Seattle and the killer to writer "xxx, the Volturi" with blood on my stomach.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010